Regulatory Class: ℞
Generic Name: Isoniazid + Pyridoxine HCl
Formulations: Per 5 mL INH 200 mg, pyridoxine HCl (vit B6) 10 mg
Indications or Uses Primary treatment & prophylaxis of pulmonary & extrapulmonary Tuberculosis.
Dosage and Directions for Use:Adult 300 mg daily. Childn 5 mg/kg daily. Max: 300 mg daily. Intermittent therapy: 10 mg/kg 3x a wk or 15 mg/kg 2x a wk. Max: 900 mg. TB prophylaxis 300 mg daily for at least 6 mth-1 yr.
Special Precaution: Convulsive disorders, history of psychosis, impaired liver or kidney function; patients at risk of neuropathy or pyridoxine deficiency eg, diabetic, alcoholic, malnourished, uremic & HIV infection. Discontinue use if symptoms of hepatitis occur. Patients w/ preexisting liver disease. Alcoholic patients. Pregnancy.
Adverse Reaction: Peripheral neuritis, psychotic reactions, convulsions & optic neuritis; various anemias, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia; nausea, vomiting, pellagra, hyperglycemia, lupus-like syndrome, urinary retention, gynecomastia.
Presentation/Packaging: Syrup 120 mL
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