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The contents of this page are provided for information purposes only. It should not be construed as a substitute for a professional medical advice. Please consult your physician and other healthcare providers before taking any medicines found in this page.
Ildong Pharm
Regulatory Class: Rx
C: Memantine HCl
I: Alzheimer's disease (moderate to severe w/ or w/o dementia) & Parkinson's disease w/ dementia.
D: Initially 5 mg daily in the morning for the 1st wk, increased wkly at 5-mg increments to a max dose of 20 mg daily. Dose ≥10 mg should be taken in 2 divided doses.
CI: Hypersensitivity.
SP: Close monitoring in patients w/ recent MI, uncompensated CHF & uncontrolled HTN. Patients at risk of convulsions; conditions that increase urinary pH (eg, drastic changes in diet, renal tubular acidosis, severe UTI). Seizures may occur rarely. Renal impairment. Pregnancy & lactation. Childn.
INT: May increase incidence & severity of adverse effects w/ amantadine, ketamine or dextromethorphan. Enhanced effects of dopaminergics & antimuscarinics. May reduce actions of barbiturates & antipsychotics. May alter effects of antispasmodics, baclofen & dantrolene. Reduced clearance w/ carbonic anhydrase inhibitors & Na bicarbonate.